Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Birthday week

I've been up at 5am every morning this week baking and decorating a cake for Lakeisha to take to pre-school and then of course another cake for her birthday playdate. I love whoever invented novelty cake tins as it's saved me a lot of time.

We've been buzzing in the office unpacking from our trip, processing some back orders and we're putting together our catalogue. I've attached a sneak preview of the front page. The baby is beautiful Poppy. She's the daughter of Greg who does some photography for us.

We've reviewed our business goals and we're brainstorming ideas to improve customer service. The IP for Tiny Tot Tug Proof TM is almost finalised and we're now moving to international IP! Yay!!!!

Our focus today and tomorrow is to tweak our project management system, do a business review (mastery checklist) and set up some times with our accountants to go through budget projections. Yuk!

Oh and we're excitedly awaiting, any day now, the arrival of some beautiful new blue beads we've designed for the Sizzling Summer range - to be released in January!

Check us out at

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