Wednesday, December 8, 2010

HO! HO! HO! Santa’s Bringing La Bella to Town!

With just over two weeks until Christmas we’re all going full speed ahead! We have finally caught up with the influx of catalogue requests, so Bianca’s hand can now recover from addressing over 500 letters. Also, Kylie has custom made over 50 beautiful Tug Proof® necklaces for a Fit Mums event, so she is also bouncing back from some strenuous work. Nevertheless, we’re still going very strong and are now putting together Christmas cards for all our lovely customers!

In other news, you may have also noticed from the ® symbol above that La Bella has finally received official advice from the trademark examiner that we now own the concept of Tug Proof®. It has been a long time coming and is very exciting for the La Bella team!

We hope everyone enjoys and endures the up and coming weeks until the holidays. Don’t forget to visit to finish your Christmas shopping!

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