Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Welcome to 2011

Well the Christmas and sales season rush is over and we're back to normal. We were shut down over the holiday season and had a lovely break.

As a small business owner though you never completely sign off and Kylie was able to spend some time thinking about how to improve our catalogue, think about design influences for 2011, increase sales for our e-book and look at business priorities. It isn't too bad when you get to do this on the beach.

Kylie's 5 year old starts school this year and we'll miss her diligent help in the office. Here she is today (straight out of the bath with her wet hair) packing some orders which is her favuourite job and makes her feel very important. Note that Mark (Finance and HR Director) has headphones on as unlike us girls he can't cope with the noise of the kids in the background!

Tomorrow we have a lovely journalist and a photographer coming to interview us for a business profile so it'll be a last minute tidy up in the morning. This time we at least have ample notice to do our hair and check our make-up for the pics!

Although Kylie is having issues with her hair at the moment. Having a bob that needs to be blow dried is not the best option for a 4.5 months pregnant woman with low blood pressure. She faints almost every time she gets the hairdryer out - combination of arms in the air and heat! Just as well she doesn't have to worry too much about having to get dressed in a suit every day with done hair and impress the boss!


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