Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Mumpreneur Book

The picture is of a rejected logo. We've had some exciting news that the book Kylie has written based on advice on how to build an online business from the ground up has been conditionally accepted by a literary agent. We're spending the next 3-4 weeks working on the conditions which are to double it's size - effectively we need to write another 20,000 words!!!

Kathleen has been working on a logo for Mumpreneur Online and we've been setting up a website for it full of business resources for mums in business. Hopefully it'll be live in about a month.

Business goes on while Kylie slaves away on that task. Wholesale orders are very popular this month for amber necklaces and the design process is being finalised for some new swarovski necklaces and some new blue beaded break away clasp designs.

We're having some trouble sourcing small break away clasps and have searched at least 5,000 suppliers searching for them as our supplier went out of business in the UK. We'll keep searching to bring our customers the most amazingly clever but suitable designs thhat we can.

We've also had some delays with the Smart Mum necklaces (silicone teething) being on back-order for another few weeks.

The office has been hectic with school holidays and Bella and Lakeisha becoming more and more of a fixture while we try to work. Tonight Lakeisha was holding onto Bianca's leg not wanting her to leave work as she'd miss her. How cute!

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